Thursday, September 22, 2011

Season of Firsts

This has been an interesting year sailing. I have been sailing the boat club's 28 foot O'Day "Adagio", the 27 foot Pearson "Strad" and the old stand by, the 26 foot Pearson "Nightcap". Sailing bigger boats with inboards and wheels is a nice step up I guess but the tiller still seems to be the best way to go. Well on smaller boats obviously.

So I have not been posting really this year as I have been busy doing things besides sailing, running around, dealing with life's ups and downs and all that. I haven't been able to sail as much as I would like, not sure what that really is. But I got to do some things that I had never done before this year.

  • Tore a sail. Yeah, that was embarrassing and sickening actually. Got caught by a lil squall on the lake and things got a bit nutty pretty fast and I ended up tearing the jib on Strad a little. There is more to this story and I may post about it later.
  • Sailed on Lake Michigan. A great guy by the name of Gary has a friend named David and he took me, Gary, and one of his friends out on his Catalina 30. Was a great time, well for me I know it was. I may have annoyed the hell out of them..... not sure. Might post on this too.
  • Single handed sailing. This is a goal for everyone who sails. sailing by yourself, just you and the boat. I decided to finally do it after some medical issues came up for my mother and I needed to just go sail, therapy if you will. I have done it twice now, first time the batteries in the camera were dead. Today I was out again and made sure they were fresh. Below is a couple of vids and some pics.

I know I am usually more "wordy" in my posts but, I am not really feeling the "writer" right now. I have some things listed above yet to post about and I probably will and some other things I am thinking on yet too. I will get to that stuff soon enough, just have some other things to concentrate on for now.

Club House at the marina.

The Boat - Nightcap
Some of the boats.

Motoring out through the channel.
Sails up!
Another single-hander. See video 2

Sailing back, end of the day.

It wasn't as cold as it looks but it was as cloudy.....