So I have not been posting really this year as I have been busy doing things besides sailing, running around, dealing with life's ups and downs and all that. I haven't been able to sail as much as I would like, not sure what that really is. But I got to do some things that I had never done before this year.
- Tore a sail. Yeah, that was embarrassing and sickening actually. Got caught by a lil squall on the lake and things got a bit nutty pretty fast and I ended up tearing the jib on Strad a little. There is more to this story and I may post about it later.
- Sailed on Lake Michigan. A great guy by the name of Gary has a friend named David and he took me, Gary, and one of his friends out on his Catalina 30. Was a great time, well for me I know it was. I may have annoyed the hell out of them..... not sure. Might post on this too.
- Single handed sailing. This is a goal for everyone who sails. sailing by yourself, just you and the boat. I decided to finally do it after some medical issues came up for my mother and I needed to just go sail, therapy if you will. I have done it twice now, first time the batteries in the camera were dead. Today I was out again and made sure they were fresh. Below is a couple of vids and some pics.
I know I am usually more "wordy" in my posts but, I am not really feeling the "writer" right now. I have some things listed above yet to post about and I probably will and some other things I am thinking on yet too. I will get to that stuff soon enough, just have some other things to concentrate on for now.
Club House at the marina. |
The Boat - Nightcap |
Some of the boats. |
Motoring out through the channel. |
Sails up! |
Another single-hander. See video 2 |
Sailing back, end of the day. |
It wasn't as cold as it looks but it was as cloudy.....