A while back, before the previously mentioned foot injury, I started taking some things out of the boat so I could get to the port bulkhead. It is by far in the worst condition and seeing as the weather this winter has been so mild, I needed to get going on things. I started by checking things out and seeing what needed to be done to get the bulkhead fully exposed. I pulled on the vinyl wall covering and it just peeled off like it was not even attached. Nice. Then the other layer of covering came off quite easily too. I found that after peeling this away that pretty much the entire bulkhead is wet & rotted. I got a really good look at the PO’s “Fix” as well. Just shook my head. Anyway…. Hopefully when I do pull it out, it comes out in one piece or at least will be easy enough to make a pattern from.
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Port Bulkhead with folding table removed. |
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Starboard Bulkhead. |
I started my “demo” by removing the hanging locker behind the porta-potti. Wasn’t too bad, some screws were a little stubborn but I got them out and it came out in one piece. A little rot at the bottom so I will be replacing that. The “floor” that the porta-potti sits on is another story. Rotted badly, will have to replace that too obviously. The porta-potti was easy to remove though. It had a couple of those Velcro “dots” stuck to it and the rotted out floor to hold it in place. Got me thinking how that would be if I was heeled over a bit and there was some “liquid” per se already in there…… Sounds like a mess waiting to happen. So I need to get the mount kit for that now too.
Peeled off quite easily. "Wallpaper"?? |
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Yep, it be a wee bit rotted. |
I pulled the folding table off the bulkhead, nice mix of screws there. Then I removed the backrest for the setee in the salon. That wasn’t too bad, only difficulty was getting the wrench on the nuts underneath so I could get the screws out. Anyone who has worked on boats knows this but for those that have not, working on a boat’s interior is like working under your sink in your house. Not a lot of room and you have to contortion yourself at times in order to get to what you need to. So far it hasn’t been too awful with this project.
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Head "Floor". More rot and wallpaper. |
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PO's "FIX". I got nuthin' on that....... |
I bagged all of the screws and bolts I un-did. I now have everything removed from the port bulkhead I need to in order to take out the screws/bolts holding it in place. Not quite sure where the tabbing is but, I will find it and cut it out as well. I have ordered two sheets of ¾” marine grade plywood and picked them up Saturday the 25th of February. I have a list of all the other things I need to get and placed the orders for all of that except the enamel paint on Monday the 27th. Great thing is, most everything is already here, showed up on Thursday March 1st. Also on March 1st, I called the city of Excelsior and got my application faxed in for my mooring. Should hear from them by the 5th or 6th. Things are starting to move rapidly and I need to get moving on this. The plan is to get the bulkheads and chainplates all swapped out in March/April. I figure I can do everything except the tabbing in March and as soon as it is warm enough I can tab in the bulkheads in April. Though, next week it is supposed to be in the low to mid 50’s so, I may just get all motivated and have at the whole deal.
So here is the plan on what I will be doing;
- · Remove port bulkhead and chainplate.
- · Remove sink, cabinetry, and setee backrest on starboard side.
- · Remove starboard bulkhead and chainplate.
- · Each ¾” x 4’ x 8’ piece of marine grade plywood to be coated in Smith’s CPES.
- · The salon side of each piece of ply then having Mahogany veneer applied.
- · Head & sink side finished with enamel paint.
- · Old bulkheads used as patterns for new bulkheads, including chainplate bolt holes.
- · New bulkheads cut.
- · Cut edges and holes sealed with CPES.
- · New “wall covering” for hull in area where hanging locker is. Though, this may be last on the list as I need to figure out what I am going to do to that space.
- · New bulkheads screwed in to place, neoprene foam between bulkheads and hull/deck.
- · New chainplates bolted in to place.
- · All chainplate hardware will be bedded with Butyl Tape. (Purchased from Compass Marine)
- · Once it is warm enough, bulkheads will be tabbed in. West System epoxy and fiberglass cloth.
- · Setee back rest re-attached.
- · Hanging locker pieces cut, finished, and replaced.
- · Sink & cabinetry re-installed.
- · Folding table re-attached.
My vendor list;
- · Marine Grade Plywood – Menards. Was cheaper to special order than to pick it up from a lumber yard with it in stock.
- · Mahogany veneer and adhesive – Amazon. Kind of nutty but they had the best price I could find searching online.
- · Fiberglass cloth, Epoxy, Hardener (West 206 & 105), & Mini-Pumps – Defender.
- · Smith’s CPES – Jamestown Distributors.
- · Chainplate set – Where else but D & RMarine.
- · Butyl Tape – Another no brainer, Compass Marine.
- · Neoprene Foam – Actually found it best price through Sears. Of course I had to have it shipped though.
- · For the enamel paint I will probably go with Behr or Rustoleum or…. Whatever I can find on that from Home Depot.
All in all it cost me $87.10 more in a little tax & shipping costs. Plus I need to still buy a gallon of paint. Hoping I have everything covered and crossing all I can that I don’t find anything else that is messed up doing this project. I figure rebuilding the hanging locker and the head “floor” is a separate project.
Seems like a lot of things to do but, I am hoping to have March and April to get them all done. I will of course be documenting the progress as I go and posting updates here. I did a lot of research on this and there has been a lot of help form the fine folks on Anything-Sailing and the O’ Day owner’s forum over at Sailboat Owners and that help is much appreciated. Cross your fingers, as soon it will be time to splash. Hopefully I will be ready.
As bad as it might look (which isn't that bad) I'm actually jealous . . .wish I could be working on my boat, an Ericson 27, but time and $ . . . you know . . . I'll get there soon . . .I'm happy for you and am enjoying being an onlooker for now . .
ReplyDeleteCould you identify you S/V as the pics could be for any GOB, 25 to 36 ft.
ReplyDeleteSkipper E-J - She is a 1977 O'Day 25' Sloop.
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain. Take your estimate of time to complete the job properly, triple it and you'll have a rock solid time frame until completion. :)
ReplyDeleteNeed to replace bulkhead in my E-25+. Glad you are going first. Please, keep posing.
ReplyDeleteSolid plan..carry on.